Foundation University Islamabad FUI Jobs 2022 | Jobs in Pakistan |

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 Foundation University Islamabad FUI Jobs 2022 | Jobs in Pakistan |

Hi! In this article i will shear New career opportunities are opening at the Foundation University Islamabad jobs 2022. We find these Foundation University Islamabad FUI Jobs 202Foundation University Islamabad FUI Jobs 2022 | Jobs in Pakistan | Application Form  published in the Daily Express newspaper.

Foundation University Islamabad is a private university located in Islamabad,Punjab Pakistan. FUI University has two campuses; Islamabad and Rawalpindi. FUI University is a private sector university, sponsored by the Military Foundation, the country’s largest charitable organization.

Post on: 21st June 2022

 Jobs Location: Islamabad

 Requried Education: DAE, Ph.D

 Last Date: June 27, 2022

 Total Vacancies: 03

 Company: Foundation University Islamabad – FUI

 Address: Registrar, Foundation University Islamabad, Defence Avenue, Phase-1, DHA, Islamabad

FUI is looking applications to hire staff for Foundation University Medical College Islamabad. Jobs are opening for the following empty posts Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Bio-Medical Technician (Electro & Mechanical).

Intrested Candidates who want to fill these positions must meet the eligibility criteria imposed by the Higher Education Commission HEC/PMC for the post of Associate Professor. Those Candidates who qualifications (Ph.D. in Biochemistry) will be preferred.

Intrested applicants  holding DAE in the relevant field and at least three years of experience in the same field may apply for the post of Bio-Medical Technician.

Foundation University Islambad Jobs 2022 is an equal opportunity employer. FUI offers attractive salary packages for its employees. Servants of Government/Semi-Government or Autonomous Organizations are also eligible foe apply to these posting.

Total Vacant Positions:

  • Associate Professor
  • Bio-medical Technician

How to Apply on FUI Islambad jobs 2022?

  1. Intrested candidates want to First of all, download the Application Form from the FUI officail website
  2. Fill out this application form and send it to the university with all requisite education and experience documents and the application processing fee.

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