FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for all Federal Public Service Commission Lecturer Jobs. FPSC (Federal Public Service Commission) has announced the FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for MCQs based written tests. You can check the syllabus for FPSC Lecturer written tests of all subjects.
Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) Lecturer Jobs Syllabus for Written examination is published by FPSC. Aspirants who applied for FPSC Lecturer Jobs can prepare for Written tests according to the Syllabus.
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus and Solved Past Papers Book by Imtiaz Shahid in PDF. These FPSC Solved Past Papers book in PDF will help you to understand the test pattern for Written Test. FPSC Solved MCQs Book by Imtiaz Shahid is the most authentic book to prepare for FPSC Written Tests.
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FPSC Lecturer Written Test Pattern:
The Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) has divided the Lecturer Test in Three Sections:
- Part 1: English 20 Marks
- Part 2: Subject Test 50 Marks
- Part 3: Professional Test 30 Marks
Note: In Language Subjects other than English (i.eArabic, Persian and Urdu), English part will be of 10 marks. There will be 60 marks for subject Test and 30 marks for Professional Test.
Eligibility Criteria for FPSC Lecturers:
The Eligibility Criteria for FPSC Lecturers is Minimum Qualification is MA / MSc (16 years of education) from HEC recognized Universities (Local or foreign). Some times B.ed / M.ed is must for Lecturers and some just the Master. Selected candidates can be posted anywhere in Pakistan.
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus Details:
As mentioned previously, FPSC Lecturer Test divided into three sections. Here are the details of the Sections:
Part 1 English 20 Marks Consists on Vocabulary, Sentence Structuring, and Grammer use. 20% MCQs of English section will be from these topics for FPSC Lecturers Written Test.
Part 2 Subject Test 50 Marks this Section covers the major and most important topics of relevant subject. 50 Marks paper will be according to the subject from all the major topics or can be from anywhere according to the subject.
Part 3 Professional Test 30 Marks this Section consists on professional topics like Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, and Knowledge of Blooms Taxonomy.

Fpsc Lecturer Syllabus 2023 PDF free Download
You can also Download the FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for All subjects in PDF. This PDF file contains the Syllabus of FPSC Lecturers all subjects. Download the FPSC Lecturer Syllabus in PDF for the details of all topics from which FPSC MCQs based written test will be conducted. Check the subject wise Syllabus below and then Download the PDF file also.
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for All Subjects:
Here is the FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for All Subjects, Check complete details for your relevant Subject:
FPSC Arabic Lecture Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Arabic Contains the following Topics;
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) History of Arabic literature, Arabic Poetry at the Dawn of Islam, Arabic Syntax, Arabic Vocabulary, Arabic Grammar usage, Arabic Sentence Structure
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Biology Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Biology Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Nucleic Acids, Cell Division, Nutrition, Ecosystem, Mendelian laws of inheritance, Diagnostic Characteristics of all the phyla or invertebrates and chordates, Division of Plants
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Botany Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Botany Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Algae & Fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms, Plant Physiology, Ecology, Cytology, Genetics,
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Business Administration Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Business Administration Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Business Finance, Principles of Management, Business Law, Business Research Methods, Financial Management, Marketing Management, Production/Operation Management, Management Information System
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Chemistry Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Chemistry Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Nature, Properties & States of Matter, Electronic Structure, Chemical Kinetics & Radioactivity, Reaction Mechanism (electrophilic & nucleophilic substitution and addition reaction), Inorganic Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium, Electrochemistry,
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Commerce Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Commerce Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Auditing, Cost Accounting, Managerial Economics, Computer Application in Business, Islamic Principles of Banking & Finance, E-Commerce, Specialized financial Institutions, Salient features of Investment Analysis
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Economics Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Economics Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Micro Economics: Determination of market, demand and supply, Macro Economics: Basic Economic Concepts, International Trade: Theories, Trade, Restrictions & Trade Policy, Economic Development: Historical growth, development process and Theories, Structural Issues, WTO and Developing Economies, Monetary Theory & Public Finance, Agriculture Development in Pakistan, Industrial Development in Pakistan, Energy Crises and Policy in Pakistan, Interest Free Banking in Pakistan
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC English Lecturer Syllabus:
Below is the Details of FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for English:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) English Literature 16th to 20th Century, Linguistics, English Language Teaching, Syntax, Diction.
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Fine Arts Lecturer Syllabus:
Below are the topics of FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Fine Arts:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) History of Art, Design & Architecture, Elements of Art, Drawing & Design Theory, Linear Perspective, Elements & Principles of Image Making, Painting: Basic elements of Art, concepts, media and formats, Printmaking: Basic elements of art and design principles, concepts, media, and formats.
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC History Lecturer Syllabus:
Below are the details of FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for History:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) The Prophetic Age (570-632), The Pious Caliphate (632-660), Political System of Islam under the Prophet (PBUH) and the Pious Caliphate (Nature of Islamic State, Form of Govt, Function of Islamic State, Caliphate Shura or the Consultative body and its role), Institutional Development of the Muslim Civilisation (Umayyad, Abbasid, Crusade ), Muslim Freedom Movement in India (1857-1947), Ideology of Pakistan, The Kashmir Issue, Pakistan and Neighbouring Countries, Research Methodology & Philosophy of History
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Heath and Physical Education Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Health and Physical Education Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Philosophy of Physical Education, Psychology of Physical Education, Rules of games, Basics of Human Anatomy, Administrative and Management in Sports, Sports Nutrition, Trauma and Rehabilitation, Research Methodology in Physical Education, Test, Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education & Sports, Sports Injuries, Sports with physical disabilities
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Information Technology Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Information Technology Lecturers Syllabus is given below with Sections:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Data Communication & Networking, C/C++ Language, Visual Basic, Operating System Unix/Linux, Oracle/PLSQL, System Analysis & Design, Computer Architecture, Operating System concepts, Software Engineering, Security and Ethical issues, Data Structures, Management Information System, Web Programming.
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Mathematics Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Mathematics Lecturer Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Calculus/Differentiation, Integration, Limits of continuity, Discrete Structures/Discrete Mathematics, Communication Skills for Mathematicians, Computing Tools for Mathematicians, Mathematical Statistics, Mathematical Spaces (Sets, Vector Spaces, Metric Spaces, topological spaces Tensors, Differential Equations.
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Pak Studies Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Pak Studies Lecturer contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Ideology of Pakistan in light of speeches and statements of Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam, Pakistan Movement 1857-1947, Current Issues of Pakistan (challenges to, National Security, Economic Challenges, Pakistan’s War on Terror, Geography of Pakistan (Land and People of Pakistan, Pakistan and CPEC, Natural Resources of Pakistan), Latest Constitutional Amendments.
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Persian Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Persian Lecturer Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Classical Persian Prose and Poetry, Modern Persian Literature, History of Persian Language and Literature, Study of Iranian History and Culture, Iqbal’s Persian Poetry and Thoughts.
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Physics Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Physics Lecturer Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Heat and Thermodynamics, Waves and Optics, Electrostatic, Electricity and Magnetism, Atomic and Modern Physics, Basic Solid State Physics, Electrodynamics, Mechanics
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Political Science Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Political Science Lecturer Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Western Political Thought (Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, Lenin, Frances Fukuyama), Muslim Political Thought (Al-Farabi, Al-Mawardi, Imam Ghazali, Ibn Khaldun, Shah Waliullah, Allama Muhammad Iqbal), State System: Islamic Concept, Political Institutions and Role of Government , Political Ideologies (Capitalism, Marxism, Communism, Nationalism, Islamic Political Ideology), Government and Politics in Pakistan: Analysis of 1956, 1962, 1973 Constitutions, History of International Relations: Post World War-II Period, Comparative Study of Political System (Turkey, India, Malaysia and China)
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Psychology Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Psychology contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Nature and Scope of Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Educational Psychology, Counselling Psychology, Abnormal and Clinical Psychology, Organizational/Industrial Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Psychological Testing and Assessment, Research Methodology
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Public Administration Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Public Administration Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Pubic Administration -Its nature and scope, Role of Public Administration in Welfare State, Bureaucracy—Concept of Bureaucracy, Theories of Bureaucracy, Ecology of Bureaucracy; Bureaucracy of Pakistan as a Change Agent, Adminstrative Leadership Approaches to the study of Leadership, Forms of Leadership, Leadership qualities, Administrative Accountability, Planning.—Types, Process & Principles, Planning Machinery; the system of planning and programming in Pakistan, Planning Machinery in Pakistan, Problems of Coordination in Public Administration in Pakistan.
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Sociology Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Sociology Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Meaning, Characteristics and Elements of Culture, Society: Meaning and Characteristics, Social Contract Theory & Organismic Theory, Sociological Theories (Ibn-i-Khaldun, Spencer, Max Weber, Karl Marx), Methods of Sociological Research, Social Institutions: Nature, Genesis & Function, Mechanism of Social Control: Formal & Informal, Social and Cultural Change & Social Policy: Processes & Effects, Community organization and development, Social Problems in Pakistan
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Statistics Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Statistics Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion or Variation, Regression and Correlation, Index Numbers, Probability Theory, Probability Distributions, Presentation of Data, Time Series Analysis, Statistical Inference, Sampling Theory and Techniques, Analysis of Variance, Experimental Design.
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Urdu Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Urdu Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) اردو ذخیرہ الفاظ، اردو جملے کا ڈھانچہ، اردو قواعد کا استعمال، طنز و مزاح
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Zoology Lecturer Syllabus:
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus for Zoology Contains the following Topics:
- Part 1: English Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
- Part 2: Subject Test (Masters Level) Eco System, Classification of Fish, Reptiles, Mammals, Classification of Mollusks, Edinodermata, Theories of Evolution, Mammalian Hormonal System, Membrane System, Mammalian Gametogensis and Fertilization, Multiple Alleles, Mendelian laws of inheritance, Reproduction and Development.
- Part 3 Professional Test Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
FPSC Lecturer Syllabus Download in PDF:
You can also download the complete FPSC Lecturer Syllabus in the PDF, FPSC Syllabus for all posts advertised in the newspaper with different advertisement NOs can be downloaded in PDF. Click Here to Download the PDF file of FPSC Syllabus.
Download FPSC Solved Past Papers Book by Imtiaz Shahid:
Download the FPSC Solved Past Papers book in PDF by Imtiaz Shahid to prepare and understand the FPSC test pattern. This book will cover the major topics like English and Professional Section.
Click Here to Download Book in PDF
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